It’s May, and though the weather might being doing its best to pull the wool over our eyes, summer is just around the corner. And that means that soon we may actually get a glimpse of the elusive daystar. This also means that perfect commuting weather is also here, well, almost… positive thoughts.
Regardless of the current state of precipitation here in Vancouver, next week is Bike to Work week. An entire week dedicated to ditching the auto and pedaling your way to work. I will admit that through the years, depending on where I have been situated, my participation has been spotty at best for many reasons – enter lame excuse here. But this matters not, because it is a new year.
The question is whether or not you plan on getting in on the riding festivities? The Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition or VACC will be out with sponsors next week offering support at key commuting stations around the lower mainland. If you are thinking of getting involved then there is a website dedicated solely to the pursuit of bicycle commuting glory which you can visit here.
On this site you can sign up, log your commutes and find out where these support stations are (which is good because they always have snacks and coffee, which is a bonus on the ride to and from work). If you have friends who also would like to participate you can sign up as a team and go head to head against other commuters around town. Norco, usually has a pretty good turn out, but you’d be surprised who else participates.
Check it out. If you have been thinking about commuting by bicycle then next week is a great week to get involved.
Tags: Axiom, Axiom bike, Axiom Gear, Bicycles, Bike To Work Week, Cycling, Norco Bike, Riding