News / Reviews

Bike to Work Week: Update

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 at 03:18 PM

The van rolled up just after six am. As I opened my front door the cold air slapped me in the face, snapping me awake. I was already looking forward to the warming powers of a nice hot cup, or three, of coffee. I hopped into the Norco van and we headed out to find the Starbucks and pick up a big vat of coffee to warm the cold, early morning commuters on the third day of Bike to Work Week. Our mission was to offer tech support, coffee and a snack to the passing riders.

Arriving at our station at 6:30, coffees in hand we quickly set up the tents, work stands etc… to help the brave early morning commuters. This morning we were situated at the foot of the Pitt River bridge in Pitt Meadows, a part of the Tri-City area of Vancouver. As the sun poked its head up over the horizon we waited for the riders to show.

Shortly after 7 am they began to trickle through, stopping for coffee and a bit of conversation it was obvious they appreciated a little bit of warmth on this cold morning. Only a handful of riders came out but every one had a smile on their face, which was more than I could say for the throngs of drivers sitting behind the wheel of their cars as they inched their way through morning traffic.  That’s the beauty of riding a bike; almost every day is a good day when you are on your bicycle.

Check out some the pictures from this morning below.


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