The crew over at recently found some pumps that caught their eye. The pumps in question are a part of a new line up that Axiom is bringing out for the 2012 season, click here to read check them out and read what had to say.
Axiom’s new pumps are on
October 5th, 2011Axiom Gear gets featured in Open Air Life Father’s day guide
June 14th, 2011This Sunday, June 19th is father’s day. A day where we celebrate, well, Fathers. For me this will be my fist Father’s day and I am pretty excited about having been initiated into the realm of fatherhood. But this post really has nothing to do with me, other than the fact that I am writing […]
Axiom Phoenix pannier racks: fusing function and style
January 7th, 2011A rack is a rack except when it is more than a rack. Well, it is still a rack at that point but it is also something more. The Phoenix racks were designed and built to embody that something more: style. Many racks look like they are made from pieces of shoddy plumbing welded together […]
Axiom Enforce Air Pro Road pump review on
September 14th, 2010Here is a quick blub from the review, visit for the full deal. ” If you were simply to look at the photo of the bicycle pump below, you would think that this bike pump is no different than any of the other mini-bike pumps you’ve seen in the marketplace. But the Axiom EnforceAir […]
Axiom Phoenix LE Pannier Rack Review
September 14th, 2010Thought I would share a recent review of our Axiom Phoenix LE Pannier rack from Here is a quick excerpt: “There seem to be hundreds if not thousands of pannier racks on the market these days. Some are purely inexpensive racks to haul the odd thing on, others touch touring racks and, well, the […]
Product Profile: Ode to the mighty fender, the hero of wet weather riding.
August 31st, 2010Today was the first day in a long time that Vancouver has had a serious dose of rain. This of course got me thinking about staying dry which then turned my thoughts to fenders. We make fenders, I thought, so why not do product profile on our fenders. And here we are, it’s still raining […]
Product Profile: 2011 Axiom Panniers and Bags
August 17th, 2010You may have heard some rumors and mumblings floating around the interweb claiming that Axiom is updating its bag line for 2011. Well, it’s true, we have taken tried and tested pannier, trunk, seat and bar bags and upped their game to what we think is the next level. Here is a quick review of […]
Product Profile: Axiom’s 2011 mini-tools
July 21st, 2010The cat is now out of the proverbial bag. I’m not sure why we had a cat in bag to begin with but rest assured no animals were harmed in the making of this blog post. By now you may have seen a couple of previews of our new mini tools floating around the web. […]
The Lowdown on Axiom’s new Gear
July 20th, 2010Two new videos: one from and the other from, feature Andrew Belson, Axiom product manager, as he explains some of the features and benefits of the Axiom gear.
See the world around you: why you should ride with a mirror.
May 20th, 2010Fastflash DLX Mirror Every time I read through the news, which is daily, it seems there is a new and disturbing article about an accident involving a cyclist and a vehicle, the cyclist always loses. What I find troubling is how many people are oblivious to the extra safety precautions they can easily take to […]