News / Reviews

Velomag and Cycling Plus Love the Tweak 8

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 at 03:49 PM

The little tool that gets lots of love! Editors at Velo Mag and Cycling Plus call out the Axiom Tweak 8 multi tool for its compact size. Perfect for throwing in your bag until it’s time to save the day!

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“We’re kicking ourselves for not getting the Axiom before Christmas, because it’s the ideal cyclist’s stocking filler. This miniscule tool comes with a keyring and really is small enough to carry everywhere, whether you’re on the bike or not. It has a useful selection of Allen keys, a T25 Torx, a nice wide flat blade screwdriver, and a rather useless Phillips. We wouldn’t want to be reliant on the Tweak for serious repairs  – leverage is limited even with all th ebits extended – but it’s a fun little toy that might occasionally save the day.” – Cycling Plus

“On ne peut pas vraiment parler de coffre à outils mais d’un objet dont l’utilité sera inversement proportionnelle à la place qu’il prendra dans votre sac.” – Velomag