Bike Magazine Korea recently unboxed Axiom cycling bags and racks for its readers. When samples arrived at Bike Magazine (Korea) offices, reviewer Lee Jung Hyun grabbed his camera. The resulting photo review is posted at Sure, it’s entirely in Korean, but you can use your Web browser to translate the text. Or just click these images to view more than 75 photos of Axiom Gear from every angle.
Les produits d’Axiom Performance Gear sont maintenant offerts en Coré
Bike Magazine en Corée présente des sacs et des porte-bagages de vélo au marché asiatique. Lorsque les échantillons de produits sont arrivés dans les bureaux de Bike Magazine (Corée), le rédacteur Lee Jung Hyun a déballé ces joujoux en prenant soin de tout photographier. Lire plus en français.

« …Those in the midst of long-distance travel as well as day-to-day bike commuting, and leisure activities are available throughout the showcase attracted a bag series. Riders to suit the tastes of a wide variety of Axiom. Let’s meet a series of bags. »
Axiom Performance Gear has been designing innovative cycling accessories in Canada since 1988. City, commuter, and travel gear includes pannier bags, racks, baskets, pumps, tools, and fenders. Every Axiom product comes with a lifetime guarantee. Axiom Performance Gear is available from selected bike shops and sport dealers around the world.
Tags: Bicycle Touring, Bike, Bike Magazine, handlebar, Korea, Pannier, rack