News and Events

Michael Schratter Spent the Last 15 Months in the Saddle Raising Awareness for Mental Illness, WELCOME HOME!

novembre 15th, 2011

469 days is a long time to sit on a bicycle seat, but that is exactly what Michael Schratter did in a momentous effort to raise awareness of mental illness. We thought congratulation was due after his journey led him across 33 countries and six continents on a bicycle, something most of us wouldn’t dream […]

Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghain wins at Emmy Awards

juin 28th, 2011

PRESS RELEASE « Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghai » wins at 48th Annual Emmy® Awards Jason Reid takes home Director – Post Production award for new China documentary SEATTLE, Wash. — Seattle filmmaker Jason Reid won the Emmy® Award for Director-Post Production last Saturday night at the 48th Annual Emmy® Awards ceremony presented by the Northwest Chapter National Academy of […]

Axiom Gear gets featured in Open Air Life Father’s day guide

juin 14th, 2011

This Sunday, June 19th is father’s day. A day where we celebrate, well, Fathers. For me this will be my fist Father’s day and I am pretty excited about having been initiated into the realm of fatherhood. But this post really has nothing to do with me, other than the fact that I am writing […]

Another Bike to Work Week is only days away, Will you ride?

mai 24th, 2011

It’s May, and though the weather might being doing its best to pull the wool over our eyes, summer is just around the corner. And that means that soon we may actually get a glimpse of the elusive daystar. This also means that perfect commuting weather is also here, well, almost… positive thoughts. Regardless of […]

Photo Shoots: The Early Season Madness begins

avril 21st, 2011

The bicycle season is upon us already, it seems like just yesterday that I was on a local ski hill, with spring a distant pondering in my mind. Yet, it is officially spring, May is only a hair over a week away and around here it is photo shoot season once again. To be honest this is […]

« Man Zou » encore presentation is tonight

mars 3rd, 2011

« Man Zou » Encore Presentation on KCTS 9 – Tonight – 3/3 – 10pm Just a quick reminder that Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghai will be re-airing TONIGHT, Thursday 3/3, on Northwest PBS affiliate KCTS 9 at 10:00pm as a part of the Reel NW series. Be sure to set your DVR and forward along this […]

New « Manzou: Beijing to Shanghai » screenings announced

janvier 31st, 2011

Just a short while ago, a group of intrepid riders set off on the adventure of a lifetime on their bicycles. They rode from Beijing to Shanghai filming their journey and the trials that a 1,000 mile bicycle adventure threw their way. To pack along all of their camera gear, equipment and supplies they used […]

Axiom sponsors H&R block road team

janvier 26th, 2011

As it so happens riding a bike is a thirst inducing endeavor, much akin to licking the salt off of a large novelty pretzel, and yet very different at the same time. When one finds oneself on the saddle of a bicycle with a nagging urge to satisfy their thirst what better way than with […]

« Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghai » world television premiere

novembre 26th, 2010

A little while ago Axiom sponsored a group of intrepid riders that set off on an adventure to ride from Beijing to Shanghai. The documentary of their journey is complete and will be airing on TV and because Axiom was along for the adventure we wanted to tell you about it. Here their recent press […]

Bike To Work Week: Will you saddle up?

octobre 27th, 2010

Here in Vancouver, as the sun begins to run and hide behind the mountains a little earlier in the evening and rise a little later in the morning and the rain at times beats down with an almost unrelenting resolve, the temperatures slowly dip towards freezing and the minds of many drift to day dreams […]