News and Events

Have we lost our minds: Is Wearing a Helmet Uncool?

novembre 19th, 2009

It seems like a no brainer: if you enjoy your ability to engage in coherent, cognitive processes and you ride a bicycle you should wear a helmet. But the old adage appears to be true, ‘common sense ain’t so common.’ At least not these days. It is fairly common knowledge that in the event of […]

Just because it’s Friday doesn’t mean you should stop riding your bicycle.

novembre 6th, 2009

Friday is here, thankfully, and even though Bike To Work week goes until Sunday, for most of us the work week is over, therefore negating the need to bike to work -obviously. But that doesn’t mean you should shove your bike back into the shed or hide it down in a dark corner of your […]

Bike to Work Week: Update

novembre 4th, 2009

The van rolled up just after six am. As I opened my front door the cold air slapped me in the face, snapping me awake. I was already looking forward to the warming powers of a nice hot cup, or three, of coffee. I hopped into the Norco van and we headed out to find […]

Bike to Work, Bike to School, Bike Everywhere: It’s Bike To Work Week

novembre 3rd, 2009

Here in Vancouver it’s bike to work week. Time to leave the car at home, pull out your trusty bicycle and pedal your way to work, school or wherever you may roam. Sorry, I am listening to Metallica’s Black Album right now which has nothing to do with this post other than the song « Wherever […]

Good Times, Great People and a Great Cause

juillet 9th, 2009

This past weekend (July 3-5th), the crew from Axiom Gear was on Vancouver Island in the beautiful city of Victoria, supporting the 2009 Northwest Tandem Rally. This event drew approximately 700 people (or 350 Tandems!) to the provincial capital for a fun weekend of supported rides all around the region. The goal of the NWTR […]

Happy 4th of July!

juillet 3rd, 2009

There is something special about riding a bicycle; it can change a familiar landscape into a playground, reduce grown adults into giggling children and can be welcome escape from just about anything that ails you. Sometimes it feels like, one pedal stroke at a time, you shed all of the little problems and worries that […]

Northwest Tandem Rally; Two wheels, two people and too much fun

juillet 2nd, 2009

This weekend Axiom will be partnering with Rider’s Cycles to support the 2009 Northwest Tandem Rally, NWTR for Short, in Victoria BC, Canada. Fourteen years since it’s last visit to Victoria the event, which takes places from July 3 -5, should be a blast for the 800 some “Tandomeurs” (not a word I know, but […]