Beijing to Shanghai

« Man Zou » encore presentation is tonight

mars 3rd, 2011

« Man Zou » Encore Presentation on KCTS 9 – Tonight – 3/3 – 10pm Just a quick reminder that Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghai will be re-airing TONIGHT, Thursday 3/3, on Northwest PBS affiliate KCTS 9 at 10:00pm as a part of the Reel NW series. Be sure to set your DVR and forward along this […]

New « Manzou: Beijing to Shanghai » screenings announced

janvier 31st, 2011

Just a short while ago, a group of intrepid riders set off on the adventure of a lifetime on their bicycles. They rode from Beijing to Shanghai filming their journey and the trials that a 1,000 mile bicycle adventure threw their way. To pack along all of their camera gear, equipment and supplies they used […]