
Best in Test! Axiom Rushair wins against 8 mini bike pumps

septembre 9th, 2013

Reviewers at the UK’s Outdoor Fitness magazine tested Axiom’s Rushair pump against Zefal, Blackburn, Topeak and discovered Rushair pumped up to 80psi in less strokes and in less time.

Axiom bike gear now available in South Korea

juin 18th, 2013

Axiom Performance Gear is now available in Korea. When samples arrived at Bike Magazine (Korea) offices, reviewer Lee Jung Hyun grabbed his camera and took more than 75 photos of his unboxing.

Annihilateair, Kompressair, Terminateair, and Exterminateair bike pump review by

octobre 19th, 2012

Reviewer Gregg Kato of visited the Axiom Performance Gear booth at Interbike, the bike industry’s trade show to check out 2013’s pumps. The Kompressair floor pump, the Terminateair hand pump with hose, and the Exterminateair mini floor pump, received a full spec check, and the Annihilateair floor pump really caught his attention.

Bike Style Tour: Experience Cycling, Fashion and Party

août 27th, 2010

Soon, very soon -as in next Thursday-  the Bike Style Tour will kick off in Toronto Canada. You may be wondeirng what a Bike Style Tour is, and who could blame you? Not me. This tour is  at its core a good time; a gathering of like minded cyclists to enjoy riding, style, culture and […]