News / Reviews

Northwest Tandem Rally; Two wheels, two people and too much fun

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 at 01:15 PM

This weekend Axiom will be partnering with Rider’s Cycles to support the 2009 Northwest Tandem Rally, NWTR for Short, in Victoria BC, Canada. Fourteen years since it’s last visit to Victoria the event, which takes places from July 3 -5, should be a blast for the 800 some “Tandomeurs” (not a word I know, but it could be)  participating in the rally.

The NWTR is a grass roots, affordable event attracting riders of all ages from around North America.  Registration begins tomorrow at the University of Victoria and includes a guided ride to the Butchart Gardens. The next day things kick off with a mass start at 9am sharp, it will be quite the site to see 800 + tandem riders stampeding through Victoria. On both Saturday and Sunday the riders will be able to choose one of three fully supported rides; short, medium and long rides are available to accommodate any level of rider.

If you are in the area go and check it out, if you are in the rally then have fun. If you just want to see what it’s all about follow this link to get more information on the event.

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